today's recovery has been all over the place, i've had a lot more pain and bleeding, and the narcotics are making me feel so strange. like i'm in some sort of half-awake dream sequence. yet, my mind is racing and there's so much i want to do. time is so precious for me, and i have a ton i'd like to do on my mind - mostly aperture marketing things, but also books for my family for christmas, coordinating and backing up personal photos for the past year, and above all, i just want to focus on some art projects.
mainly, this is what i want to work on:
- videos from the go pro trips
- reorganize my website / add more photos from trips
- get film developed and scanned
- set aside time to go on trips for photos
- watercolors and notes for projects
- reorganize my studio / walls
- illume collective blog and artist studio visits
- research for my nonfiction / autobiographical book
maybe i should open up a calendar and schedule all of this in before i get too overwhelmed with it all in my head.